Admission to Phd Courses  Click Here   M.C.M. Nomenclature as M.Com (Computer Management) & MHRD as M. Com (Human Resource Development) as per UGC Course List  Click Here    Feedback Click Here || NAAC Re-accredited with Grade “A”(CGPA 3.23 -Third Cycle) || CPE Status (Third Time) by UGC, Mentor College under Paramarsh Scheme by UGC || Lead College by S.G.B. Amravati University, Amravati || ISO Certifications: 9001:2015 and 14001:2015


Vidya Bharati Mahavidyalaya offers Ph.D. in different streams of knowledge like subjects belong to Humanities, Science and Technology, Commerce and Management. The institute has excellent infrastructure, the quality staff and every facility conductive for generating the most academic ambience.

Vidya Bharati Mahavidyalaya is a research focused advanced Institution. Ever since its inception in the year 1972, the Institution has taken concerted efforts towards differentiating itself by encouraging the Research. Research centre was constituted to strengthen research activities, enhance industry interaction and to foster industry relevant research. The Vidya Bharati Mahavidyalaya Amravati is recognized research centre of Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University Amravati. There are ten subjects in which the research Centre has been granted. The teachers have been continuously extended their academic services in Research. There are 26 research supervisors in the college with 81 research students working for Ph.D. degree. They have successfully guided Research Scholars and produce 38 students with Ph.D. degree in last five years. Teachers have published their quality Research papers in National and International Journals of great repute. Teachers have published their papers in the proceedings of various conferences and Symposia. To increase its research potential, the College purchased several common instrumentation facilities for use by faculty and students. Students in the College of Arts & Science have access to excellent research equipment and facilities, both in the lab and in the field. Research labs house state-of-the-art equipment, and many shared facilities promote a spirit of collaboration. Postgraduate students often conduct research using labs and equipment that would be unavailable to them at universities.

College is well-equipped with the facilities to support PG and Ph.D. students to carry out research work in the areas of Chemistry, Zoology, Physics and Psychology etc.The library is at the center of academic life and provides a range of services to support & enhance student learning at the campus. A team of subject specialist librarians and other trained staff provide a wide range of services to support information needs of students and help them make the most of the resources available. It is characterized by
•   Study places for more than 100 readers
•   Collections of printed books & journal
•   Main collection of books as well as CDs, DVDs and journals
•   PCs for access to databases and the Internet
Along with this the College is well equipped with computational facility. The center has computers, with high internet connectivity. So that research students can browse necessary research papers relatedto their work.

Research Committee

Sr. No. Name Designation
1 Dr. P. S. Yenkar (Principal ) Chairperson
2 Dr. M. M. Rathore Coordinator
3 Dr. V. R. Wankhade Member
4 Dr. P. G. Bansod Member
5 Dr. A. D. Chauhan Member
6 Dr. S. D. Wakode Member
7 Mr. Ather Eqbal Member

Recognized as Research Center of SGB Amravati University, Amravati

Recognized as Research Centre for the Ph.D. Programmes.

Total number of students registered for Ph.D. : 63 (Last 05Years)

Total number of Ph.D. Awarded : 38 (Last 05Years)

Recognized Research Guides for Ph.D. ( 2014-15 to 2018-19 In last Five Year)

SN Name of the Guide Subject Ph. D. Registered Ph.D. Awarded
1. Dr. P. R. Rajput Chemistry 1 1
2. Dr. V. V. Parhate Chemistry 3 --
3. Dr. M. M. Rathore Chemistry 3 1
4. Dr. V. H. Masand Chemistry 2 --
5. Dr. P. S. Bodkhe Chemistry 1 2
6. Dr. S. B. Kadu Commerce 6 3
7. Dr. S. S. Kavitkar Commerce 4 1
8. Dr. K. K. Tapar Cosmetic Technology 1 --
9. Dr. S. D. Pande Cosmetic Technology 1 --
10. Dr. P. S. Yenkar English 3 --
11. Dr. R. M. Patil English 4 9
12. Dr. N. G. Belsare Physics 2 2
13. Dr. T. S. Wasnik Physics 2 --
14. Dr. R. V. Joat Physics 3 2
15. Dr. R. V. Waghmare Physics 1 --
16. Dr. G. T. Lamdhade Physics 5 2
17. Dr. K. B. Raulkar Physics 1 --
18. Dr. S. D. Wakode Psychology 4 1
19. Dr. D. S. Ramteke Psychology 4 1
20. Dr. A. D. Chavhan Sociology 6 5
21. Dr. V. R. Tantarpale Zoology 4 2
22. Dr. S. R. Akarte Zoology -- 1
23. Dr. N. R. Thorat Zoology -- 1
24. Dr. G. D. Bansod Marathi 3 --
25. Dr. S. S. Kavitkar Business Management -- --


Sr. No. Nature of the event Year Title
1. Three Days Workshop 2018-19 Three Days Workshop on MS Office, Internet.
2. One day State Level Workshop 2018-19 One day State Level Workshop on Rain Water Harvesting.
3. One Day Workshop 2018-19 One Day Workshop on Web- Technology
4. One day Workshop 2018-19 One day Workshop on ‘Swayamsiddha,-JanivJagruti.
5. One Day Workshop 2018-19 One Day Workshop on Seasonal Flowers and Hanging Basket organized
6. Two days Orientation Programme 2018-19 Two days Orientation Programme on Train the Trainer Programme –Training on Use of English Language
7. One day Workshop 2018-19 One day Workshop on Patent Drafting, Filing and Processing
8. One Week Short Term Course 2018-19 One Week Short Term Course on Innovative Methods & Use of ICT Enabled Pedagogical Tools in Teaching Learning Process
9. Two days National Conference 2018-19 Two days National Conference on Emerging Trends in Sciences
10. Two days National Conference 2018-19 Two days National Conference on Emerging Trends in Sciences
11. One day Workshop 2018-19 One day Workshop on Sveep for EVM, VVPAT Awareness
12. One Day National Seminar 2018-19 One Day National Seminar on Revised Accreditation Framework and Institutional Preparation: An Overview
13. One Day workshop 2018-19 One Day workshop on Safety Measures in Electrical and Electronic Appliances
14. One day workshop 2018-19 One day workshop on Safety in Chemical Laboratory
15. Workshop 2018-19 Workshop on E-waste Management
16. Workshop 2018-19 Workshop on Web- Technology
17. Seminar 2018-19 Seminar on Communication Skill
18. Workshop 2018-19 Workshop on Psychometric testing and Counseling
19. One day Workshop 2018-19 One day Workshop on Make-up Technique and Consultancy for skin care
20. Workshop 2018-19 Workshop on MS Office, and Use of Internet’
21. Workshop 2018-19 Workshop on Ethical Hacking and Data Security
22. Workshop 2018-19 Workshop on “Preparation for Competitive Exam
23. Workshop 2018-19 Workshop on How to use and handle ICT enabled devices Efficiently for Non-teaching Staff of the college
24. Workshop 2018-19 Workshop on How to use and handle ICT enabled devices Efficiently for teaching Staff of the college
25. Workshop 2018-19 Workshop on Research Methodology
26. Workshop 2018-19 Workshop on Synopsis Writing
27. Workshop 2018-19 Workshop on Personality Development
28. State level workshop 2018-19 State level workshop on patent drafting filing and processing
29. Seminar 2018-19 Seminar on Importance of Research Methodology in Cosmetics
30. One day Seminar 2017-18 One day University Level Seminar Education Reforms in B.A., B.Com. and B.B.A. Programmes
31. One day Workshop 2017-18 One day Workshop on ‘Pursuing Research in the new context in SGBAU’
32. Workshop 2017-18 Workshop on Orientation Program for PG Students
33. Workshop 2017-18 Workshop on English Communication Skill for MCA Students
34. One day Workshop 2017-18 One day Workshop on Rassberry Pi & IOT (Internet of Things) and Communication Skill & Personality Development
35. Workshop 2017-18 Workshop for MCA Students on PHP
36. One day Workshop 2017-18 One day Workshop on ‘Funding Agencies’
37. Workshop 2017-18 Workshop on Patent
38. One day workshop 2017-18 One day workshop on “Pursuing Research in New Contests at SGBAU,Amravati organized by IQAC and Dept.of Chemistry
39. One day Workshop 2017-18 One day Workshop on Amala Prakriya Prashikshan
40. Workshop on Yoga 2017-18 Workshop on Yoga
41. Workshop 2017-18 A Workshop to Enhance Language Proficiency in English
42. One day Seminar Competition 2017-18 One day University Level Students Seminar Competition on “Differential Equation’
43. Two Days International Conference 2017-18 Two Days International Conference on ‘Recent Trends in Science & Technology ICRTST 2018’
44. Workshop 2017-18 A Workshop on Technical writing in English for non-teaching Staff
45. One Day National Conference 2017-18 One Day National Conference Gender Isonomy: A Societal Onus-2018.
46. National Seminar 2016-17 National Seminar on Attaining Excellence in Higher Education
47. One Day Workshop 2016-17 One Day Workshop on Research Methodology & Perspectives
48. One day State Level workshop 2016-17 One day State Level workshop on “Patent and its perspectives”
49. One day National Conference 2016-17 One day National Conference on Smart India Vision-2020
50. One Day Workshop 2016-17 One Day Workshop on Restructuring of Syllabi in Physics
51. One Day Workshop 2016-17 One Day Workshop on Teaching Methodology
52. Two days Workshop 2016-17 Two days Workshop on Protection, Deprotection and Enamin
53. One day Seminar 2016-17 One day Seminar on Flame Photometry
54. One Day Workshop 2016-17 One Day Workshop on ICT Proficiency
55. One Day Workshop 2016-17 One Day Workshop on Cashless India for Stakeholders
56. Seminar 2016-17 Seminar on Company recruitment
57. Seminar 2016-17 Seminar on career opportunity after BCA
58. One-day Workshop 2016-17 One-day Workshop for Students to train in Elocution and Debate
59. Workshop 2016-17 Workshop on Financial Education
60. Orientation Workshop 2014-15 Orientation Workshop on Understanding weather and Climate
61. Seminar 2014-15 Seminar on Role of entrepreneurship in Cosmetic Field
62. One Day State level Workshop 2015-16 One Day State level Workshop on Research Methodology in Social Sciences

Major/Minor Research Projects (2014-15 to 2018-19 Last Five Years)

Sr. No Principal Investigator Duration Year From—To--- Title of the Project Name of the Funding Agency Total Grants Sanctioned In Lakhs
1. Dr. P. R. Rajput 01.02.2011 to 31.01.2014 Synthesis and eco-friendly benigh study of analogues of active ingredients isolated from medicinally potential plants of melghat forest with special reference to their impact on physico-chemical aspects, pathogens and seed germination of some tropical crop plants. University Grants Commission, BahadurshahZafarMarg, New Delhi 110002 4.248
2. Dr. S. R. Akarte 01.07.2011 to 31.06.2014 Nucleic acid derived indices & protein profiles of major carps in different seasons in water reservoirs around Amravati City. University Grants Commission, BahadurshahZafarMarg, New Delhi 110002 8
3. Dr.F.C. Raghuwanshi 01.07.2012 to31.06.2015 Synthesis of Nanocomposites of conducting polymer and metal-oxide for gas sensing Application. University Grants Commission, BahadurshahZafarMarg, New Delhi 110002 14
4. Dr. S. D. Wakode 15.04.2012 to 14.04.2014 Overpower Obstacles in the Development of Psycho-Physical Health, Cognitive Abilities and Academic Achievement: A Study of Tribal and Non-Tribal Children in Melghat Region. Indian Council of Social Science Research, JNU Institutional Area, ArunaAsaf Ali Marg, New Dlhi, 110067 7
5. Dr. G. T. Lamdhade 18.09.2014 to 31.03.2015 Impact of UV irradiation on (PS-PVAc) Polyblends thin films UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, University Campus, Khandwa Road, Indore 452001 0.45
6. Dr. G. T. Lamdhade 01.04.2015 to 31.03.2016 Impact of UV irradiation on (PS-PVAc) Polyblends thin films UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, University Campus, Khandwa Road, Indore 452001 2.466
7. Dr. G. T. Lamdhade 01.04.2016 to 31.03.2017 Impact of UV irradiation on (PS-PVAc) Polyblends thin films UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, University Campus, Khandwa Road, Indore 452001 2.466
8. Dr. G. T. Lamdhade 01.04.2017 to 31.03.2018 Impact of UV irradiation on (PS-PVAc) Polyblends thin films UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, University Campus, Khandwa Road, Indore 452001 2.466
9. Dr. G. T. Lamdhade 01.04.2018 to 31.03.2019 Impact of UV irradiation on (PS-PVAc) Polyblends thin films UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, University Campus, Khandwa Road, Indore 452001 1.948

Papers published by the Faculty (2014-15 to 2018-19 Last Five Years)

Sr. No Name of the Faculty Subject National/International
1. Dr. P. G. Bansod Botany 8
2. Dr. M. S. Patbage(Ghurde) Botany 8
3. Dr. P. V. Pulate Botany 2
4. Dr. V. V. Parhate Chemistry 9
5. Dr. M. M. Rathore Chemistry 19
6. Dr. V. H. Masand Chemistry 55
7. Dr. P. S. Bodkhe Chemistry 13
8. Dr. C. C. Deshmukh Chemistry 2
9. Dr. S. B. Kadu Commerce 11
10. Dr. S. K. Rodde Commerce 4
11. Mr. V. R. Dhawale Computer Application 2
12. Ms. S. A. Kazi Computer Application 2
13. Ms. S. K. Totade Computer Application 6
14. Mr. V. N. Mohod Computer Application 3
15. Ms. A. N. Patil Computer Application 1
16. Mr. S. B. Bele Computer Application 10
17. Ms. A. D. Nichale Computer Application 1
18. Ms. A. R. Raut Computer Application 4
19. Ms. S. B. Sarvaiya Computer Science 3
20. Mr. D. M. Kene Computer Science 1
21. Mrs. S. S. Kalmegh (Mohod) Computer Science 2
22. Ms. R. A. Sheikh Computer Science 1
23. Mr. S. R. Bhuyar Computer Science 1
24. Ms. M. S. Sharma Computer Science 1
25. Mr. B. R. Padar Computer Application 1
26. Dr. L. K. Vyas Cosmetic Technology 2
27. Mrs. Y. N. Rajurkar (Dhote) Cosmetic Technology 2
28. Ms. P. A. Kolhe Cosmetic Technology 1
29. Ms. R. S. Tale Cosmetic Technology 1
30. Mr. S. P. Padole Cosmetic Technology 1
31. Ms. U. V. Kalmegh (New) Cosmetic Technology 1
32. Mrs. R. A. Vishwakarma Cosmetic Technology 1
33. Mrs. B. R. Dahikar Cosmetic Technology 1
34. Ms. A. G. Sangle Cosmetic Technology 1
35. Dr. M. D. Pardeshi Cosmetic Technology 3
36. Dr. D. S. Rangacharya Economics 4
37. Dr. N. B. Raut Electronics 2
38. Mr. B. D. Bundele Electronics 1
39. Dr. R. J. Gajbe (Khandekar) Electronics 3
40. Dr. R. M. Patil English 5
41. Dr. P. S. Yenkar English 8
42. Mr. V. P. Shekokar English 3
43. Dr. M. M. Kherde History 5
44. Dr. Vishal R. Shekhawat Library & Inf. Science 2
45. Dr. S. S. Kawitkar Management 2
46. Dr. P. G. Dammani Management 7
47. Dr. S. A. Bothra Management 2
48. Dr. G. D. Bansod Marathi 3
49. Dr. P. P. Khade Mathematics 7
50. Dr. F. C. Raghuwanshi Physics 22
51. Dr. R. V. Waghmare Physics 1
52. Dr. T. S. Wasnik Physics 16
53. Dr. R. V. Joat Physics 13
54. Dr. G. T. Lamdhade Physics 27
55. Dr. N. G. Belsare Physics 4
56. Dr. K. B. Raulkar Physics 11
57. Dr. A. S. Wadatkar Physics 6
58. Dr. S. D. Wakode Psychology 3
59. Dr. A. D. Chauhan Sociology 10
60. Dr. D. S. Wankhade Sports 7
61. Dr. V. R. Wankhade (Tantarpale) Zoology 26
62. Dr. Y. D. Akhare Zoology 3
63. Dr. N. R. Thorat Zoology 4
64. Ms. A. D. Goud Zoology 1

Publications by the Faculty (Books/Chapters) ( 2014-15 to 2018-19 Last Five Years)

Sr. No Name of the Faculty Subject National/International
1. Dr. V. V. Parhate Chemistry 2
2. Dr. M. M. Rathore Chemistry 2
3. Dr. V. H. Masand Chemistry 4
4. Dr. P. S. Bodkhe Chemistry 1
5. Dr. S. B. Kadu Commerce 2
6. Dr. V. R. Shekhawat Library & Inf. Science 6
7. Dr. P. P. Khade Mathematics 1
8. Dr. F. C. Raghuwanshi Physics 1
9. Dr. R. V. Waghmare Physics 1
10. Dr. T. S. Wasnik Physics 1
11. Dr. R. V. Joat Physics 2
12. Dr. G. T. Lamdhade Physics 3
13. Dr. N. G. Belsare Physics 7
14. Dr. K. B. Raulkar Physics 3
15. Dr. A. S. Wadatkar Physics 1
16. Dr. A. D. Chauhan Sociology 15
17. Dr. V. R. Wankhade (Tantarpale) Zoology 1
18. Dr. V. D. Bute EVS 1
19. Dr. P. R. Solanki Chemistry 1
20. Dr. P. R. Rajput Chemistry 3

Details of Link of Funding Agencies for Research Project Undertaken by Institute

SN Name of the Funding Agency Link to funding agency
1. University Grants Commission, BahadurshahZafarMarg, New Delhi 110002
2. Indian Council of Social Science Research, JNU Institutional Area, ArunaAsaf Ali Marg, New Dlhi, 110067
3. UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, University Campus, Khandwa Road, Indore 452001