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Grievance Redressal Cell

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A) Grievance Redressal Cell

Dr. D. S. Rangacharya

Associate Professor
M.A, Ph.D

The Grievance Redressal Cell of VidyaBharatiMahavidyalaya, Amravati was formally constituted with four members to probe into the student grievances. It redresses the grievances at departmental level and grievances of common interest will be forwarded to the GRC. The Cell maintains a conducive and unprejudiced educational environment. Complaints of students and parents are redressed as soon as they are received. All complaints are scrutinized by the Grievance RedressalCell and the resolutions are recorded.


  • •      CGRC provides platform to all the students for their grievances
  • •      Identify the weaknesses and address them in a positive and structured manner
  • •      Bridging the gap between college management, teachers and students

  • Grievance Handling Levels

  • •      Grievance Redressal Cell
  • •      Anti Ragging Cell
  • •      Cell to Prevent Sexual Harassment of Women

  • Grievance Handling Mechanism

  • • The College Grievance Redressal Cell (CGRC) shall follow the principles of natural justice while considering the grievances
  • • Student aggrieved can send their grievance through suggestion boxes which are placed at different location’s (4 Suggestion Boxes in main building at each floor, 1 Suggestion Box in MBA Building, 1 Suggestion Box in B. Tech. Department and 1 Suggestion Box in Ladies Hostel) or through Personal Contact to the Grievance Redressal Cell.
  • • All complaints are collected, analyzed, scrutinized and handled by the College Grievance Redressal Cell.
  • • After scrutinize the complaints, General in nature (Teacher, Facilities and Examination) complaints are addressed by College Grievance Redressal Cell and other complaints are send to respective cells as per it’s nature to ‘Anti Ragging Cell’ (physical and psychological harm) and ‘Cell to Prevent Sexual Harassment of Women’ (discrimination, harassment, retaliation or sexual assault at all levels)
  • •   The CGRC shall resolve the grievance within period of fifteen days of receiving the complaint
  • • The CGRC shall provide a copy of the order to the aggrieved person(s).
  • • After receiving the complaint, the concerned parties are called and give equal opportunities to put their point of views. This process makes it more transparent and unbiased.
  • • If required CGRC will forward grievances to management on the basis of severity of the issue.

  • Depending on the seriousness of the problem, the issues are settled by the Cell or by the Principal in consultation with other members of the management, parents and faculty. The collective efforts of the management, department heads, class teachers, various staff coordinators of clubs and associations and the Grievance Redressal Cell resolve the complaints promptly and efficiently. The effective complaint management mechanism improves better stakeholder relationship and contentment.
    Due to existence of CGRC the students, teachers and non teaching staff get a functional platform to share their issues and grievances. The judicious resolution and vigorous engagement of CGRC has resulted in creation of faith and belief in the system. This has resulted in the development of vibrant, friendly and conducive environment in the institution.

Grievance Redressal Cell Committee Members

Sr. No. Name Designation Position Contact No.
1. Dr. P. S. Yenkar Principal Chairperson 9422870879
2. Dr. D. S. Rangacharya Assistant Professor Convener 9890976283
3. Dr. S. A. Bothra Associate Professor Member 9422868291

The Complaint Management Mechanism is carried out in three levels/layers in the institution:

Level/Layer - 1:

The departmental level grievances are attended by the concerned department heads.

Level/Layer - 2:

Unresolved grievances at the departmental level are referred to the Grievance Redressal Cell of the institution. The students can approach directly to the Grievance Redressal Cell of the institution with their complaints of common interest too.

Level/Layer - 3:

Depending on the seriousness of the problem, the issues are settled by the Cell or by the Principal in consultation with parents and faculty. With the collective efforts of all the stakeholders - the Principal, Department Heads and the Grievance Redressal Cell resolves the complaints promptly and efficiently.

  •            Format of Grievance

  •            Record of Grievances

  • Contact Persons:

    1. Grievance Redressal Cell- Dr. L. K Vyas (9422158277)
    2. Anti Ragging Cell- Dr. V. R. Shekhawat ( 9822740260)
    3. Cell to Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women– Dr. V. R. Wankhade (9420077470)

    Links for more information:

    1. Grievance Redressal Cell-
    2. Anti Ragging Cell-
    3. Cell to Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women-

    B) Anti-Ragging Cell

    Anti-Ragging Cell comprises of Anti-Ragging Committee and Anti-Ragging Squad to eliminate ragging in all its forms in the college


  • •   To weed out ragging in all its forms in the institution.
  • •   To absolutely prohibit ragging within or outside the college campus.
  • •   To punish those who are found indulging in ragging.
  • •   To sensitize students and staff to adopt measures that would prevent ragging.

  • Anti-Ragging Committee

  • •   At the beginning of the academic year, discipline committee is formed under the Students’ Council to ensure the discipline in the campus.
  • •   Anti- Ragging Committee is fully and totally responsible to ensure that no incidence of ragging takes place.
  • •   The Committee invigilates and ensures smooth functioning of all students’ activities The committee ensures to provide friendly and conducive environment to the new entrants.
  • •   The Anti-Ragging Committee considers the recommendations of the Anti-Ragging Squad and takes appropriate decisions, including spelling out suitable punishments to those found guilty.

  • Anti - Ragging Committee

    Name Position
    Dr. V. R. Shekhawat Convener
    Dr. P. N. Mandaogade Member
    Prof. B. D. Bundele Member
    Dr. S. S. Kawitkar Member
    Dr. D. S. Rangacharya Member
    Dr. P. S. Bodakhe Member
    Prof. A. M. Dwivedi Member
    Dr. P. G. Dammani Member

  • •   Anti-Ragging Committee functions include going around/patrolling the Institution and the Campus common areas, maintain vigil and take action if they notice any incidence of ragging either in their Institution or in the hostel.
  • •   The Committee has the responsibility to investigate incidences of ragging and take immediate action/punishment wherever required.

  • C) Cell To Prevent Sexual Harressment of Women

    The cell to prevent sexual harassment of women has been established to provide a healthy and congenial atmosphere to all the staff members and students.

    The cell meets the following objectives:

    1. To develop guidelines and norms for a policy against sexual harassment.
    2. To develop principles and procedures for combating sexual harassment.
    3. To work out details for the implementation of the policy.
    4. To prepare a detailed plan of actions, both short and long term.
    5. To organize gender sensitization awareness programmes.

    Till now no cases of grave sexual harassment at college have been registered.
    Committee for Sexual Harassment at Workplace

    The United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women adopted the following recommendation: Gender based violence is a form of discrimination which seriously inhibits women’s ability to enjoy rights and freedom on the basis of equality with men.

    The National Policy for Empowerment of Women (2001), Government of India, had emphasized the elimination of discrimination and all forms of violence against women in both the public and the private sphere. Institutions and mechanisms /schemes for assistance are to be created and strengthened for prevention of such violence including sexual harassment at workplace. Vidya Bharati Mahavidyalaya constitutes committee for sexual Harassment at workplace in the year 2009 to address the issue of sexual harassment at workplace. In this meeting a decision was adopted to constitute an Internal Complaints Committee.

    As per Sec 6 (2) of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, Redressal) Act, 2013 an Internal Complaints Committee was duly formed in the college to look into, and adjudicate matters relating to any kind of sexual harassment meted out to students or female employees in the Institution. To that end the college has been vigilant about instances of gender discrimination, victimization and abuse, and acted promptly to address/redress any issues that violated the provisions of the said Act. Moreover, it plays a proactive role in averting instances of sexual harassment by motivating students to attend the programmes organized by the cell to prevent sexual harassment of women of the college on gender discrimination, sexual harassment, relevant legislation for the empowerment of women and other related concerns. The Committee for Sexual Harassment at workspace in the college is constituted of the following members:

    Committee for Sexual Harassment at workspace

    Name Position
    Dr. P. S. Yenkar Chairperson (Principal)
    Dr. V. T. Tantarpale (Wankhade) Member (Faculty of Science)
    Dr. D. S. Wankhade Member (Faculty of Sport)
    Dr. P. G. Dammani Member (Faculty of MBA)
    Dr. V. Y. Dhote Member (Faculty of Cosmetic)
    Dr. M. M. Kherde Member (Faculty of Arts)
    Ms. S. K. Totade Member (Faculty of MCA)
    Ms. Sheetal Mohod Member, Secretary
    Advt. Jyoti Mhatare (Khandpasole) President, DISHA, Amravati
    Ms. Jyoti Mehakare Social Worker
    Ms. Nimisha Tarwale Student Representative M. Sc II
    Ms. Sakshi Sontakke Student Representative B. Sc I
    Ms. Neha Sonkar Student Representative B. Tech II
    Ms. Ashwini Dongre Student Representative B.A. II
    Ms. Purva Varulkar Student Representative B. Sc II
    Ms. Aarti Nalamwar Student Representative MCA II
    Ms. Ankita Pusatkar Student Representative MBA II
    Dr. Sheetal Rathore, MBBS Consultant Doctor